Inno Setup is a free install wizard packaging tool built in Delphi which you can use for packaging up Delphi XE8 Firemonkey apps for Windows. If you are deploying to Android (APK) and IOS (IPA) both platforms use a package format which can contain your other deployable files and installation is handled by the platform. On Windows, Delphi generates an EXE file which generally doesn’t contain your other deployable files (resources are an exception). Inno Setup will create an single installer file that will package up your EXE and deployable files. The install wizard is configured via a config script file which Inno Setup compiles into the installable package. A third party plugin for Inno Setup is called Inno Script Studio and it is a free GUI front end for creating Inno Setup config scripts. In addition to Windows 10 support Inno Setup supports 64-bit, uninstall, 7-Zip compression, shortcuts, registry entries, ini files, and more. Full source code is also available. You can use Inno Setup for deploying your apps from Appmethod and C++Builder as well.
You can also turn an InnoSetup EXE into a Windows MSI file using the MSI Wrapper utility.
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