Developer Yegor K. from JVESoft has released an updated version of his JVESoft Components Suite for Delphi XE8 Firemonkey. This component suite has a massive amount of functionality but in this post we are going to talk about the Google Analytics and App Ratings components within the suite. Basically the Google Analytics component wraps the functionality of Google Analytics (a free service provided by Google for tracking things like uniques and pageviews for websites). Google Analytics is also available for mobile apps and this component wraps that functionality. The component will track the usage of all of the components within the JVE suite in addition to allowing you to track custom events. The TAppAnalytics component released in Delphi XE8 is similar in that it tracks in app events. The TJVEAnalytics component uses the native HTTP implementations on each supported platform (which are Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows). These implementations are separate from the new Firemonkey TNetHTTPClient components available in XE8. One other component in the JVE suite is the TJVEAppRater component. Basically you want users to rate your applications in the Android and IOS stores so other users can see how other people like your app. You can use the TJVEAppRater component to encourage users to rate your application from within your app. The components in the suite are targeted towards building consumer apps for the app stores in Delphi XE8 Firemonkey. This is a commercial component suite and there is no free trial available but full source code is included with your purchase. These components should probably also work with AppMethod. You can see our post about the previous version for XE5 here.