We ran into a problem with IPA files deployed by Delphi XE5 Firemonkey not being correctly recognized by some third party enterprise vendors as valid IPA files. Apparently a plist file can be in two different formats which are XML and binary. The Info.plist file that Delphi XE5 creates when you go to publish to IOS is in XML format. The normal Info.plist file that gets generated when you publish from Xcode is in the binary format. The Apple store is able to read both formats no problem but the enterprise vendor was only setup to read the binary format. It took quite a while to figure this out but there is a Mac OSX utility called plutil that converts back and forth between the two formats. We followed this Embarcadero tutorial on how to customize the Delphi XE5 Firemonkey for IOS Info.plist and once we had our custom Info.plist read we used the plutil to convert the Info.plist to binary format after compiling but prior to deployment. The command line is listed below.
plutil -convert binary1 some_other_file.plist
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