Marco Cantu has a code snippet over on his blog which explains how to setup a Firemonkey splash screen for Android (it also works well for IOS). I’m calling this method ‘splash screen lite’ because there is also another method that puts an Android SDK based splash screen in before the Delphi application itself runs. In any event this splash screen lite method is pretty simple to do. You just put an image or panel on your main form and then set your other forms to not auto create. Next you setup a timer that will launch your code that creates your other forms). Either turn the timer on at design time or enable it in the OnShow event. Keep the OnCreate event clean and do any processing you need to do when the timer fires. Turn the timer off when it fires and then Show your next form. Remember to take care of the Back button on Android. This splash screen lite method also works for IOS. IOS has a built in splash screen image but for Delphi XE5 and Firemonkey it is good to use this Timer splash screen lite method in addition to the normal IOS splash screen. Execute any functionality that may take some time when the Timer fires instead of in the OnShow and OnCreate events. This will help keep your app from feeling like it is frozen in IOS.
Update: Blog post from Embarcadero with another interpretation of this idea.
Update:Â You can also try this new method of using the Android Manifest to create a splash screen.
Check out the full blog post on how to do the splash screen lite.
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