Thomus Grubb from RiversoftAVG has updated his Fuzzy Logic Component Library to support Delphi XE7 Firemonkey on Android, IOS, Windows, and OSX. We’ve covered the previous version here but basically this is a full featured fuzzy logic component suite. It has 29 different fuzzy hedges like addition, about, not, very, normalize, and many more. It does fuzzy correlation and inference. Plus it includes defuzzification methods like the mean of maxima and moment. It supports graphing of fuzzy sets using TeeChart or a charting component provided by RiversoftAVG. The fuzzy logic component library is a commercial component (with evaluation version) and can also be acquired as part of one of their other component suites called Inference Engine Component Suite. If you’re interested in fuzzy logic on Android and IOS then you should really check this suite out. Should support Appmethod as well.
Head over and check out the full Fuzzy Logic Component Library for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey.