The Delphi XE8 bug fix list for the bugs which have been fixed since Dephi XE7 is now available and there is some great stuff in there for Firemonkey. There are over 350 fixes in the list for all four Firemonkey platforms (Windows, IOS, OSX, and Android). I’ve highlighted some below which I think will have affected developers the most based on memory fix, speed fix, visual fix, functionality fix, etc..
- iOS 8.1.3 Unable to install package (e80003a) [Functionality Fix]
- Unable to deploy a FMX project to iOS device or Simulator [Functionality Fix]
- [iOS] TPath data on iOS is not anti-aliased. [Visual Fix]
- [iOS][Android] WebBBrowser component – appears to float over other controls [Visual Fix]
- [iOS device] Magnifier on TMemo/TEdit causes app freeze [Functionality Fix]
- [iOS Device] TInAppPurchase component crashing in iOSDevice [Functionality Fix]
- [iOS] With TEdit, passwords entered in password fields are added to the autocorrect suggestions and shown on other input fields [Functionality Fix]
- [iOS] [Android] TXMLTranform and TXMLTransformProvider are raising an Exception on mobile [Functionality Fix]
- SSL + GZIP On IOS Problem (Not on the list) [Workaround Added: Native HTTP Client]
- TListBox bug with Jet.style on iOS [Visual Fix]
- Changing TMediaPlayer.Volume On IOS Shows IOS Volume Dialog [Visual Fix]
- TBitmap.LoadFromStream fails in Android 5.0 Lollipop when loading some images [Functionality Fix]
- [iOS; Android] OnTap/OnClick of TEdit is not fired [Functionality Fix]
- [Android] MaxLength and FilterChar of TEdit do not work on Android [Functionality Fix]
- [Android] When you set the LocationSensor active to false it continues to use processor/battery as if it was still active. [Performance Fix]
- [Android] TSpinBox kills the app [Functionality Fix]
- [Andoird] TOrientationChangedMessage is not fired when rotating device 180 degrees [Functionality Fix]
- [Android] Destruction of the component and the virtual keyboard lead to errors (AV and Kills the app) and the inability to work with the keyboard. [Functionality Fix]
- [Android] High CPU usage for even blank XE7 Android apps [Performance Fix]
- [Android] With UseStyleManager option, after closing app, CPU usage is high on device [Performance Fix]
- [Android] fmx.platform.android.pas does not cleanup when control destroyed [Memory Fix]
- [Android] Destroy focused TEdit causes error [Functionality Fix]
- [Android] TDateEdit component throws Exception can crash the app [Functionality Fix]
- [Android ART] TJavaArray<T> not usable with ART on Android 5.0 [Functionality Fix]
- [Android] android:installLocation=”preferExternal” has been generated in wrong element(must be under manifest element instead of application element ) [Functionality Fix]
- [Android] Slow Scrolling Of TListBox With Lots Of Form Controls (Not on the list) [Performance Fix]
- Using JAR Libraries under Android falls back to default classes.dex [Functionality Fix]
- Access Violation in FMX.Platform.Android SendCMGestureMessage [Functionality Fix]
- MenuItem of TMenuBar in modal sub form is not working on Mac OS X [Functionality Fix]
- TGridPanelLayout – Form Designer Lagging Refresh [Performance Fix]
- FireMonkey rectangles show dots in corners with no sides (on Windows) [Visual Fix]
- Synchronize of TThread may not work in firemonkey [Functionality Fix]
- CopyFromBitmap Offset doesn’t Work [Visual Fix]
- When a combox has listboxitem, then set its parent opacity property is useless [Visual Fix]
- Poor Canvas Quality with DX9 – GlobalUseDX10 := False [Visual Fix]
- TANiIndicator looks odd [Visual Fix]
- TEdit.TextPrompt property is not visible [Visual Fix]
- TFrame Performance Degraded [Performance Fix]
- ApplyStyle is not fired when you inherit from TCustomEdit [Functionality Fix]
- Adding 3D controls at run time causes calling _Release on destroyed object [Memory Fix]
- [Premium Style Pack] Lost Tag, TagString etc. in TMenuItem (StyleBook) [Functionality Fix]
- TForm3D – Appcrash on close [Functionality Fix]
- Odd lines near text when drawing in clipped area [Visual Fix]
- Screen focus issue – after closing any form, the first form are get focus. Usialy needed get focus to last active form. [Functionality Fix]
- TSpeedButton remains in a pressed state even when click does not occur [StaysPressed is True] [Visual Fix]
- TComboBox doesn’t show selected item after Lines changed [Visual Fix]
- TColorComboBox.OnChange is called twice [Functionality Fix]
- Inputquery truncates the prompt [Visual Fix]
- Canvas2D incorrectly draws bitmap brushes [Visual Fix]
- Cut Stylebook from datamodule cause AV in fmx.bpl [Functionality Fix]
- Storing TStyleBook on TDatamodule [Functionality Fix]
- IDE hang / Runtime Crash when TText has certain combination of properties [IDE Fix]
- On Windows, TForm.OnTouch does not fire if TForm.FullScreen is set to True [Functionality Fix]
- TListBoxItem + TStyleCache = Random style can be loaded [Visual Fix]
- [Win64] On multi-monitor, Form with TComboBox may crash on exit [Functionality Fix]
- Dynamically created TTreeViewItem items are unselectable. [Functionality Fix]
- OnClick event of TComboBox is not fired [Functionality Fix]
- On Android app, MaxLength of TEdit does not work [Functionality Fix]
- [MacOS] TPlatformCocoa missing IFMXRenderingSetupService [Functionality Fix]
- optimization of FMX.ListView – when lots of TListViewItem added at runtime, RefreshInheritedCursorForChildren is triggered frequently [Performance Fix]
- Android app resume problem (logo is seen) [Functionality Fix]
- “Access Violation” search on TListBox [Functionality Fix]
- TListBox.ScrollBy can not scroll. [Functionality Fix]
- TJSONValue.GetValue<any float type>(Variable) fails when decimal separator is different from a period. [Functionality Fix]
- Missing Mac OS X definitions required for sandboxed application [Functionality Fix]
- Using TTask.WaitForAll() causes a deadlock [Functionality Fix]
- Memory leak using TTetheringManager and TTetheringAppProfile [Memory Fix]
- Security features with App Tethering Components [Functionality Fix]
- App-Tethering (SendString, SendStream) broken by “magic strings” design [Functionality Fix]
- TTetheringProfiles.UnRegisterProfileProtocolAdapter(…) does not work [Functionality Fix]
- Tethering remote managers not removed after shutdown [Functionality Fix]
- Two memory leaks in TTetheringTCPProtocol [Memory Fix]
- TWebBrowser when added to MasterDetail starting app causes Access Violation [Functionality Fix]
- TSpinBox in TFrame does not reflect the actual size at Design Time. [Functionality Fix]
Head over to the Embarcadero Developer Network and check out the full list of over 350+ fixes.