Devart has updated their EntityDAC ORM component suite for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. EntityDAC supports both Windows and Mac OSX but hopefully Android and IOS support are planned in the future. However, you could put the EntityDAC components in a DataSnap server and enable mobile devices (on Android and IOS) to talk to your database through DataSnap and then via the EntityDAC ORM components. ORM stands for object relational mapping and it is an abstraction method for mapping database objects to Delphi classes. It supports encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and other OOP features. It also includes Language Integrated Query (LINQ) support which is popular in C#. It includes a robust caching engine which can cache metadata, database entities, and LINQ queries. This is a commercial component suite which we’ve covered before for Delphi XE6. The following database providers are supported: UniDAC, ODAC (Oracle), SDAC (MSSQL Server), MyDAC (MySQL), IBDAC (Interbase), PgDAC (PostgreSQL), and LiteDac (SQLite). Check out the free trial and see if you can use it to unify your code and speed up development. Should also work with Appmethod.
Head over and check out all the different features of EntityDAC for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey.