Developer Douglas Rudd has a couple blog posts up explaining how to use and deploy True Type fonts in your Delphi XE7 Firemonkey apps on Android and IOS platforms. We covered True Type fonts before for XE5 but this is specifically for XE7. For the Android side basically you customize the FMX.FontGlyphs.Android.pas file with some JNI code to look for the name of the font. You then change the TextSettings Font Family property in each component where you want the font to appear to reflect the filename of the True Type font (without the extension). The font itself gets deployed to the \assets\internal\ directory. On the IOS side basically you will need to create a custom info.plist file with a UIAppFont key record in it with your True Type font name in it. The font itself needs to be added to your app deployment and you can leave the default location setting. You can then change the TextSettings Font Family property to reflect the name of the font itself (and not the filename). These same instructions should also work in Appmethod.
Head over and read the full blog post about deploying a custom font for Delphi XE7 apps on IOS.
Head over and read the full blog post about deploying a custom font for Delphi XE7 apps on Android.