Alexander Baranovsky from VIRT Laboratory has updated paxCompiler to fully support Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. paxCompiler is an embedable compiler and interpreter engine that can handle Object Pascal, Basic, and Javascript. Apple has a restriction where you can’t deploy an app with scripting in it to the App Store but you can use paxCompiler in your IOS enterprise apps without any problems as far as I know. paxCompiler allows you to import the interface sections from your Delphi XE7 units and access the rest of your code from the interpreted script itself. In one of the demos that I tested I as able to initialize the main form of my application and change it’s properties from the Object Pascal script interpreter provided in paxCompiler. paxCompiler is thread safe, script defined types support run-time information (RTTI), and you can use Pascal units in Basic and Javascript (aka cross language programming support). We’ve covered it for it’s Delphi XE6 support here and it probably supports AppMethod as well. This is a commercial component suite but there is a summer sale going on with it right now and can you can get the single developer version for a really good price. I actually purchased it because it was too good to pass up.