Qianyuan Wang converted the Box2d physics engine to Delphi VCL a couple years ago and the source code for it is up on Google Code. However, the code was not cross platform and worked only on Windows. I hired an expert developer on oDesk to take the existing Box2d for Delphi project and convert it to Firemonkey so that it will run cross platform on mobile devices. The Box2d physics engine is now available for Delphi XE6 Firemonkey (plus Delphi XE5 Firemonkey and AppMethod) and it runs on Windows, Android, IOS, and OSX. The code is 100% native Delphi and there are no library files to include. The original code base has been refactored so that the VCL and FMX versions both use the same code on the back end. I’m sure there are performance tweaks that you can make yourself to optimize it but for now it is in a usable state. If you do make significant performance improvements I’d like to get your changes so they can be included with the download. There are over 60 different demo projects included in the Box2d conversion code archive. Everything from a car driving on terrain to a swaying bridge to a basic version of Arkanoid (or Breakout). Here is a list of the demo projects:
- Add Pair(stress test)
- Apply Force
- Body Types
- Breakable
- Bridge
- Bullet Test
- Buoyancy Controller
- Cantilever
- Car
- Chain
- Character Collision
- Collision Filtering
- Collision Processing
- Compound Shapes
- Confined
- Continuous Test
- Convex Hull
- Conveyor Belt
- Distance Test
- Dominos
- Dynamic Tree Test
- Edge Shapes
- Edge Test
- Explosion
- Free Rope
- Gears
- Graviation Controller
- Mobile
- Mobile Balanced
- Motors & Limits
- One Sided Platform
- Pin Ball
- Poly Shapes
- PolyCollision
- Prismatic
- Pulleys
- Pyramid
- RayCast
- Restitution Test
- Revolute
- Rope In Wind
- Rope Joint
- Sensor Test
- Shape Editing
- Slider Crank
- Sphere Stack
- Terrain Box
- Theo Jansen’s Walker
- Tiles(stress test)
- Time of Impact
- Time of Impact2
- Tumbler(stress test)
- Varying Friction
- Varying Restitution
- Vertical Stack
- Web
- Wheel Joint
- Ping Pong (Arkanoid / Breakout)
The Box2d physics engine has been extensively used in Adobe Flash’s ActionScript 3 (AS3) language. There is a site run by Emanuele Feronato which has over 160 easy to follow Box2d tutorials for AS3. You can easily follow the tutorials for building games using Delphi XE6 Firemonkey simply by translating the AS3 code to Object Pascal. The Box2d calls will be very similar between the two languages.
Thank you very much. I admire you and your site!
I’ve been thinkin of doing the same a while ago but i did not had the time. I cant wait to try this out
wow,thank you so much. love it 🙂
Hi, It’ll be helpful if you can host the box2d source code on github.
Working on getting it on Google Code. Haven’t figured out how to do the initial commit of the project however.
Any chance to work/port to XE5?
It works in XE5 without any problems.
Are there any examples on how to use TSprite with this on XE6?