Developer rzaripov1990 has a custom ListView component over on Github for Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Berlin. The ListView is the central component for every mobile application, and as a developer you should always choose the one that can be heavily customizable and very easy to use/implement. This modern ListView component is available for Delphi 10 Berlin with FireMonkey on Android, IOS, OSX, and Windows. One nice feature is that it has both horizontal and vertical mode. Thus, using ListView.Horizontal := true, enables the list to display the cells (items) in a horizontal perspective, while ListView.AutoColumns := true (default behaviour) displays the items vertically. If you are an artist when designing your look and feel of the application, this component can customize every graphic aspect such as: SetColorItemSelected, SetColorItemFill, SetColorBackground, SetColorItemSeparator, SetColorText, SetColorTextSelected, SetColorTextDetail, SetColorHeader, SetColorTextHeader, and many other properties. The properties are self-explanatory, no need to cover them here. With the AutoColumns and ColumnWidth properties, the component will automatically calculate the best fit appearance and position for the items when populating the list (very useful when dealing with large number of items). Apart form the standard behavior events, you have OnColumnClick listener for the ListView. You also have the option to hide/show the scroll bars (ListView.ShowScrollBar), set indent for items separators (ListView.SeparatorLeftOffset and ListView.SeparatorRightOffset). The component is free and has some nice demos with it as well. For the moment it is available only for Delphi Berlin and FireMonkey, very useful if you build multi-device applications.
Head over to check out this amazing ListView component available for Delphi Berlin and FireMonkey.
Wow, this is Amazing!!!
won’t compile on Community Edition (Delphi v 10.2.3) says:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] FMX.ListView.pas(21): F2051 Unit FMX.ListView.Adapters.Base was compiled with a different version of FMX.ListView.Types.TListItem
I have tried copying all the variations of supporting files into main directory and it makes no difference. The FMX.ListView.Adapters.Base file needs to be included or it won’t compile.
confirmed. Does NOT compile in Delphi 10.2.3 Community Edition.
Para rodar no delphi 10.3 é necessário fazer duas coisas
1º adicionar em: Project/Options/Delphi Compiler/Search path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\source\fmx
2º Substituir FMX.ListView.pas e FMX.ListView.Types.pas da pasta trunk pelos da pasta Rio(10.3)
Para rodar no delphi 10.3 é necessário fazer duas coisas
1º adicionar em: Project/Options/Delphi Compiler/Search path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\source\fmx
2º Substituir FMX.ListView.pas e FMX.ListView.Types.pas da pasta trunk pelos da pasta Rio(10.3)