Developer Borja Serrano has created a demo for accessing the StarIO SDK on Android with Delphi XE7 Firemonkey. The StarIO SDK is based on the Android SDK and sits between your application and a Star POS printer from Star Micronics Co. Ltd. (a large creator of POS printers). It’s StarIO SDK for Android is a JAR file and Borja used the Java2OP tool from Embarcadero to create an interface file for the SDK. Once you have the generated interface file (which is included in the demo) you simply add it to the uses section of your form and then include the JAR file in the Library section of your project. Apparently JDK 1.7 and not JDK 1.8 needs to be used with the Java2OP tool to generate valid interface files. The command line used with Java2OP to generate the interface file was “java2op -jar StarIOPort.jar -unit Androidapi.JNI.Startioport”. This demo should also work with Appmethod.
Or download the StarIO SDK demo app for Delphi XE7 Firemonkey directly.