Developer Alexander Baranovsky from VIRT Laboratory has updated paxCompiler to fully support Delphi XE8 Firemonkey. paxCompiler is an embeddable compiler and interpreter engine that can handle Object Pascal, Basic, and Javascript. paxCompiler allows you to import the interface sections from your Delphi XE8 units and access the rest of your code from the interpreted script itself. You can access the main form of your application from the interpreted script for example. It also supports compiling executables on Windows and evaluating script at runtime. You could use paxCompiler to build functionality like the Playground feature Apple has for Swift in Xcode. You can also use Pascal units in Basic and Javascript (aka cross language programming support). paxCompiler is a commercial component suite but there is a free trial available. We’ve covered it before for Delphi XE7 and Delphi XE6. I have been working with paxCompiler recently integrating it into some projects and it really is amazing in the functionality (like deploying your own compiler) it provides for the price. It should also work with Appmethod.
What is Apple’s take on scripting languages within iOS apps? It has been banned except for jail broken devices.
Given the power this would afford iOS apps, I have to ask if the terms have changed.
You can use scripting in IOS Enterprise apps because there is no approval process. I’ve heard however that Apple did relax restrictions on scripting in apps starting in IOS8. You would have to verify what exactly is allowed now however. I believe Javascript may be allowed for example.
It ‘s Works in Delphi 10 FMX ( Cross Win32/64 , iOS , Android) ??