TMS Software has released an update to their Delphi XE5 Firemonkey native IOS component suite, iCL, which now includes an Icloud component. With the new Icloud component you can save and sync settings between IOS devices and to your OSX devices. Basically Icloud uses your Apple account as the place to save settings and when your multiple devices log into that same account you can retrieve those same settings on all of the devices. TMS Software also has a native OSX component suite with a similar Icloud component. Both component suites come in their Firemonkey component studio. There are free trials available for both component suites but they are commercial suites with a cost. Here is some sample code which shows you how easy they are to use:
FName: string;
FName := 'TMS';
TMSFMXNativeiCloud.KeyValues['MyAmount'] := 1234;
TMSFMXNativeiCloud.KeyValues['MyName'] := FName;
Check out their blog post about the two components and sample code.