The Youtube Thumbnail Creator is a small internal app I put together for automating the process of finding a better thumbnail for a Youtube video than the default thumbnail provided by Youtube. The app is built using Delphi XE7 Firemonkey and is deployable on Windows. It uses the FFMPEG Windows executable otherwise it could be modified to work cross platform as well since it is built in Firemonkey. The TMS Pack for Firemonkey from TMS Software is also required. The project uses the unofficial YouTube component and demo created by developer Barış Atalay from Turkey. How it works is you paste in a Youtube URL and then click Get Info. It retrieves the YouTube info for that YouTube video and then you click Begin Download to download the YouTube video to your machine. Once downloaded you can click Generate Thumbnails which will run FFMPEG on the video file and generate the thumbnail images. Lastly Load Thumbnails can be clicked to load the thumbnails into a TTMSFMXTileList component. Select the thumbnail you want and the rest are deleted. You are now left with the new YouTube thumbnail to upload and use as you like. It should also compile in Appmethod.
Download the full source code for the Youtube Thumbnail Creator in Delphi XE7 Firemonkey.
Edit: Oops forgot the link. Fixed.
Where can I download the full source code?!?
Fixed the link.