Boian Mitov from Mitov Software has released a new version of OpenWire which supports Delphi XE6 Firemonkey. This new version supports Android, Windows, and OSX (experimental) with IOS coming soon. In addition to the Delphi XE6 support it should also work in Delphi XE5. OpenWire itself is open source and it also includes an OpenWire Editor Plugin that is an enhancement for the IDE which allows you to link controls together very similar to how LiveBindings works. The functionality of OpenWire can be difficult to grasp so you really need to install the components and check them out for yourself to assess how you can use them best. Each component can have more or more input and output pins. The input and output pins connect components to each other. Additionally there is a second set of functionality where OpenWire pins can be added at design time to any public or published property event or method of any component or form using LiveBindings itself. One of the main uses of the OpenWire component set is the ability to easily process audio and video (with commercial add on packages like BasicVideo and BasicAudio). Some of the OpenWire reliant component suites that support Firemonkey on mobile devices are IntelligenceLab, AnimationLab, and LogicLab. The OpenWire components are free and open source but some of the add on components which use the functionality require commercial licenses.
Head over to the Mitov website to find out more information about OpenWire and download the components. You can also check out the OpenWire LiveBindings components with Firemonkey support and download them as well.