The Alcinoe Component Library For Delphi provides an OpenGL texture based video play for both Android and IOS. If you are looking to have video playback in your Delphi FireMonkey apps on mobile devices this is a good solution to take a look at. On Android devices it utilizes the ExoPlayer and on IOS devices it utilizes the AVPlayer. “ExoPlayer is an open source project that is not part of the Android framework and is distributed separately from the Android SDK.” The audio side of ExoPlayer uses the Android MediaCodec API and so it requires at least Android 4.1. The video itself gets drawn to an OpenGL texture inside which means that the z-order is correct allowing you to place FireMonkey controls on top of your rendered video. Additionally, it looks like you can apply FireMonkey render effects like magnify and pencil to the rendering video which is a nice touch. The Alcinoe library is free over on GitHub with full source code. The library is quire extensive with other functionality as well. The library only provides a FireMonkey solution for Android and IOS devices and source code is available if you need to extend it to Windows, Linux, or OSX devices.