The developer team over at KSDev has an add on called FMXLinux available for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo FireMonkey that allows you to compile your cross platform Delphi FireMonkey apps to Linux. Normally you can compile your FireMonkey apps to Windows, OSX, IOS, and Android but FMXLinux brings FireMonkey to the Linux platform. FMXLinux requires the Enterprise Edition of Delphi because it contains the Linux compiler. It is pretty amazing that a third party is able to add an entirely new platform to Delphi as an add on package which speaks to the power of the Object Pascal RTL architecture. FMXLinux allows your FireMonkey apps to run on the desktop in popular Linux distros like Ubuntu. It utilizes Gtk for it’s control framework on Linux. Gtk also has a way to output Gtk apps to HTML5 and display them in the browser using Gtk Broadway. This basically means you can output FMXLinux apps to HTML5 and display them in the browser (which means FMXLinux actually brings you two platforms: Linux and HTML5). In addition to all of that FMXLinux allows you to use FireMonkey’s graphical capabilities on Linux in CGI scripts and KSDev provides an example. FMXLinux is a commercial tool so there is a cost involves to use it.